Black Friday and the pre-Christmas period are crucial for retailers in Australia. The Financial Review cite that 20% of all non-food transactions take place in these months alone. While it’s a time filled with potential for substantial revenue, it can also be incredibly daunting for small regional businesses. Revenue is a lagging indicator, which really […]
Driving Local Impact: A 12-Week Plan to Promote Your New Website
TL;DR Launching a new website should be fun and exciting. However, many people jump straight into the next task in their diary, often unrelated to their website, and usually because they are not sure how to leverage their new website. Here’s a 12 week plan that will help you make the most of launching your […]
Some examples of small tasks
Ok. You woke up at 3:24am with a list of a dozen things that you should do on your website. But now that you’ve dropped the kids at school, responded to the most urgent of emails, dealt with a half dozen phone calls, and you’re already onto your thrid cup of coffee for the day… […]
Mastering Email Compliance in 2024: A Simplified Guide for Regional Businesses
Navigating the Shift in Email Compliance Your emails are landing in the spam folder, right? Well if they are, you’re not alone. At the start of February Google and Yahoo shifted the goalposts for email compliance, resulting in far more business emails landing in the dreaded spam folder. If you’ve found yourself scratching your head […]
10 ways to increase the experience of your regional event website
When it comes to promoting regional events, a captivating and user-friendly website is the key to your success. When you find the right balance of just the right features, you can create a seamless and engaging user experience that leaves visitors excited about your event. That goes hand in hand with better engagement, bigger attendance, […]
The Lifecycle of an Event Website: Unleashing the Power of Online Presence
The Ever-Changing Landscape of Event Websites In today’s digital age, an event website has become the virtual gateway for regional events. By understanding the lifecycle of an event website and tailoring its content to specific phases, you can harness the power of online presence to grow your event and create a positive impact for your […]
7 things to do on your website after an event
Have you finished your event and there’s a nagging feeling that there’s a handful of tasks you haven’t closed off? Here’s 7 things that I think everyone should consider after your event has finished. We love events, right? They bring people together. Everyone learns something new. They are fun and exciting. But they can […]
Create a Filtered View of Toggl Tasks using Airtable (and Zapier)
Do you have clients on retainer who are keen to know what you’ve done in the calendar month? Do you have project sponsors who are interested what when particular tasks have been completed? Perhaps you have another need to show a filtered list of tasks and time logs? Personally I use Toggl Track to record […]
Coronavirus Crisis Deals
The global community is trying their best to deal with the rapidly evolving “coronavirus crisis”. On the back of the horrendous bushfires over the 2019/2020 summer period there is no doubt that Australian businesses will face some significant challenges this year. One of the challenges that businesses owners are facing is how to minimise exposure […]
Coronavirus Statement
In light of the recent developments throughout Australia for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, I would like to assure you that the well-being of all my clients is my top priority. Regional Business Toolkit has always aimed to support businesses and organisations in regional areas. It’s something that I take to heart in the good times […]