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Get your email hygiene fixed
Your emails are landing in the spam folder, right? Well if they are, you’re not alone. At the start of February 2024 Google and Yahoo shifted the goalposts for email compliance, resulting in far more business emails landing in the dreaded spam folder.
If you've found yourself scratching your head over Google and Yahoo's latest email requirements, you're not alone - the requirements are an alphabet soup of acronyms and standards. So if you’re not keen on getting knee deep in Reverse DNS records or think that SPF is more important for sunscreen than email, then we can help.
Regional Business Toolkit can assist by:
- Carrying out an audit of your email marketing setup, that checks the seven key compliance areas that Google and Yahoo monitoring. After the audit, you'll walk away knowing which boxes you're already ticking, and which need to be fixed to ensure you're landing in the inbox.
- Implementing the fixes required to meet all of Google and Yahoo's Email Sender Requirements.
Simply complete the order form and we can get started right away, allowing you to sit back and relax knowing that your emails will arrive in the inboxes of your readers.
Don't let your emails go unread any longer. Order your email audit today!